Beneath the sun-kissed South Georgia sky, where dreams and shadows vie,

Seminole Pole, they whisper tales of concrete giants tall,

Not born of bone and muscle, but a mix of grit and gall.

The New Year nears, a drumbeat in the air,

A chance to shed the darkness, paint futures bright and fair.

And what better brush than light, a canvas vast and wide,

Where Seminole Poles stand, guardians by your side?

Imagine piazzas humming, laughter on the breeze,

Bistro tables glowing, secrets shared beneath the trees.

Concrete lanterns glimmer, casting shadows soft and long,

As whispers turn to stories, ’til midnight’s sweet, last song.

Picture playgrounds bursting, swings that fly to meet the moon,

Castles built of laughter, bathed in playful, joyful swoon.

Concrete towers watch over, silent friends beneath the stars,

As children’s dreams take flight, where every wish embarks.

See ball courts bathed in brilliance, every bounce, a whispered prayer,

Where sneakers brush the clouds, leaving worry in the air.

Scoreboards blaze with triumph, under a watchful eye,

As concrete whispers, ‘Victory!’ while echoes reach the sky.

Gaze upon cobblestone streets, where history once lay still,

Now awakened by Seminole’s touch, a secret thrill.

Antique lamps rekindle, amber warmth upon the scene,

Past and present dance together, a timeless, vibrant sheen.

So raise a glass, this New Year, to Seminole’s gentle glow,

For crafting dreams of brightness, where shadows dare not go.

From park to piazza, field to street, their silent light prevails,

Making South Georgia shimmer, through sunshine and through gales.

With Seminole Pole, let illumination rise,

This New Year’s dawn, and every year that flies.